Players that registered for the VYSA Gaming tournaments are fully aware and responsible for understanding the privacy policy, gaming waiver and site rules.
Players are responsible to kickoff their match no more than 7 minutes from their match start time.
Players should play Classic Matches with CLUB TEAMS ONLY. Players are allowed to change their team throughout the tournament.
Match time should be set to 6 minute halves.
If the match results in a draw, players will need to restart a new match with the “Golden Goal” rule. (First player to score, wins)
Winners are responsible for reporting their match results. Failure to do so will result in a match forfeit.
If a player fails to play his/her scheduled match will result in an automatic forfeit.
Rescheduling your match will not be allowed.
Unfortunately, bad internet connection does exist, but if both players can play their match, you will need to finish your game.
Tampering with your internet connection to have an advantage in your match will result in a warning, and potentially banned from the league.
If a player quits, exits or disconnects from a match regardless of the situation, it is the responsibility of the player from the opposite team to notify the league admins for assistance to come up with a resolution.
Submitting your scores before the start of your match is not allowed. Doing so will result in a warning, match forfeit, or potentially banned from the league.
Cheating is NOT allowed nor is submitting a false match score. Doing so will result in a match forfeit, or potentially banned from the league.
Photo or video evidence is required if you claim your opponent has broken any of the league rules. Failure to show any proof will result invalid.
No refunds.
VYSA Gaming 4805 Lassen Lane, Suite 200AFredericksburg, Virginia 22408
Email: [email protected]